Search by post office

Search Post office details

Post Office / Location

Get the Post office location from Post Office Search

If you know the post office address and want to search Indian Post office details viz office type, delivery status, division name, region name, post circle, Taluka, etc. then search by post office and get post office information. All you need to do is mention the office name in the search box above and you will get the post office location from post office search. India post is divided into 22 post circles. Further Indian postal system is divided into regions and divisions. So you can find out the region in which division the India post lies and also whether it provides the delivery facility or not. Here you will find all the details of a particular post like in which post circle it lies and what the type of that postal office is. Also its postal code is provided. The information of post office branch type is also given whether it is a B.O. (branch office), S.O. (sub- office) or a H.O. (head office). Search by post office allows you to enter the post office location name to search post office details.

Tips of Post Office search

  • For providing postal services, the whole country has been divided into 22 Postal Circles.
  • Each circle is divided into regions comprising groups of field units called Divisions.
  • The divisions comprise of Head office division, Sub-office division and Branch office division.
  • Each district has several branch offices and sub offices located in the taluka.
  • Gramin Dak sewa posts are located in rural areas.

Post office Address finder

Post office Address finder will provide you with the branches located in the Taluka. The result of this post office branch locator will give the information that can be used to send post cards on several occasions or to send speed post, parcel or money order, etc. The detailed information of indian postal office like postal address, the delivery status and post office type also can be obtained here.
